Getting Started in a Home Based Business
It Happens Every 11 Seconds....
Every 11 seconds someone somewhere in America starts a home based business. That's 8,000 every day...240,000 every month joining the already 30,000,000 ( thirty million ) who operate their own part-time or full-time home based business. That number is expected to Triple to NINETY MILLION in this decade.
These Individuals have decided to Take control of their lives, their time, and become their OWN BOSS. After all doesn't financial freedom really begin at home...? The old Plan is History..... OBSOLETE Years ago, it made a lot of sense to join the top Fortune 500 companies and loyally work five days a week or more for 40 to 45 years until retirement.BUT,that plan is history, toast, gone -- Especially with 1,500 employees that lose their job every day. There's no security working for someone else. Once you know the truth, YOU will understand,for the truth shall set you FREE.
Here's The Truth, Out of one hundred individuals, age twenty-five and older who reach the age sixty-five and enter into retirement, well, you read the following breakdown and see where you fit in.Out of 5%....1% Is rich and wealthy and 4% Are financially independentOf the other 95%.... 5% Are still working....28% Are no longer with us-deceased.....62% Are Flat Broke! How many people do you know who fit into each of the categoties? Which one do you fit in? When you really think about these percentages, isn't it shocking that 95% of the people in this GREAT country have been working their lives away so that 5% could be financially independent, rich and wealthy? So, how do you get out of the 95% and enjoy the lifestyle of the elite 5%?
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